

In everyday life, using the term “curiosity” regarding a person is not always interpreted as a positive.
For Simonetta Rota – more than events, however, “curiosity” is one of the fundamental words in our work. Because curiosity means taking an interest in others, it means knowing how to listen, it means gathering information to understand the customer’s needs and, from there, to start building the ideal solution. We do not offer off-the-shelf solutions, every event is “made-to-measure”, but the correct measurements cannot be taken without curiosity.
Every job needs sensitivity.
A footballer needs sensitive feet to dribble successfully; a pianist needs sensitive hands to play the notes that enthrall the audience. For those organising events, the essential sensitivities are those tied to listening and intuition: listening not only to what the customer says, but also what they feel, but fail to express. It’s the key that ignites our intuition and leads to a magical moment in which we manage to grasp the all-important elements that allow events to become “more than events”.

Every job needs sensitivity.
A footballer needs sensitive feet to dribble successfully; a pianist needs sensitive hands to play the notes that enthrall the audience. For those organising events, the essential sensitivities are those tied to listening and intuition: listening not only to what the customer says, but also what they feel, but fail to express. It’s the key that ignites our intuition and leads to a magical moment in which we manage to grasp the all-important elements that allow events to become “more than events”.

Diversely creative
Mere creativity is the minimum that you can expect from someone who designs events for a living.
However, the minimum is only the starting point, which is why we love to call ourselves “diversely creative”. The goal is not so much giving life to an event, understanding the central point of the customer’s need, but rather that of being able to build a project around that point, giving it a form that represents it in all its aspects. A “creative” person is someone who creates something beautiful and unexpected; “diversely creative” is someone who, after having created it, knows how to accompany others so that they may embrace that something and make it their own.
Creating an event means travelling along a path.
We start by capturing the distinctive element that makes the event stand out, we continue with a step by step approach along the path that gives substance to the idea, involving the customer, getting them to invest emotionally and reassuring them through a continuous presence capable of answering any question they may have. For Simonetta Rota – more than events, the journey does not end here, because reliability also means being present after the event, taking care of the memory and maintaining the experience over time, as something precious that achieves the objective and leaves an indelible mark.

Creating an event means travelling along a path.
We start by capturing the distinctive element that makes the event stand out, we continue with a step by step approach along the path that gives substance to the idea, involving the customer, getting them to invest emotionally and reassuring them through a continuous presence capable of answering any question they may have. For Simonetta Rota – more than events, the journey does not end here, because reliability also means being present after the event, taking care of the memory and maintaining the experience over time, as something precious that achieves the objective and leaves an indelible mark.